Friday, April 1, 2011

Letter to buyer I send it to my buyer I didn't have no paint

我是學生在____高中在達拉斯,得克薩斯,美國。 我有一個教訓在學會如何的我的經濟課打開我自己的出口業務。 我看了您的公司的請求買使用的汽車。 我選擇了您的公司為我的教訓。 能您請回答問題如下:

1) 請給您希望買項目的一個詳盡的描述,包括所有具體特徵。


3) 這些項目您想要每次買多少?

4) 您多頻繁想要購買這些項目?

5) 是多少您願意支付這些項目? 如果您有多少的範圍您支付,低和高價區別根據情況或其他?

6) 您怎麼要求項目被包裝? (箱子、木條板箱,板臺)


8) 您是否需要物品運輸與一家具體貨物公司?

9) 您的供應商是否通常發布您信用證? 您期待什麼期限在信用證?

10) 有沒有任何進口限制在您的國家為那個項目?

11) 有沒有任何入口稅在這個項目? 如果那樣,您是否將支付這些?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Alibaba Iam Sale Toyota Used Car Looking

On Alibaba Iam sale uesd car to China they are pretty and still look new. It model year is 2006 to2010 Corolla Axio-NZE141-X/G without white color, 2o units Allion-NZT240-A15G-without white color, 10 units. KM75-MT-any color, 5 units TRY220-MT-any color, 2 units. True me in buy one day it will get you every were you need like point A to point B in not just that my paid is so good you will go crazy 20,000 to 50,000. In it a two door car.

Hey! Sarah Kuzmiuk

Hey! My Name Lykara Mitchell Iam 19 year old this is my last year in High School. I cant wait to get out because am going to start Cosmetology School for make up, hairstyling, nails, Skin.Then Iam going to go college for business because I want to own my own salon one day. Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of good and services. Nice to talk to you about me Sarah Kuzmiuk cant wait to you tell me about you bye.